Relevant thesis defence about location-based services by Anna Vallgårda:
An ontology of place as a basis for location-based applicationsThis thesis attempts to put forward a more enlightened conception of location and thus a step towards better location-based applications. On the basis of an architectural understanding, this thesis sets out to identify and conceptualize an ontology of place. Within the field of location-based computing there is a need for a better understanding of what location is comprised. The need for a more nuanced view of location is substantiated through a review of six existing location models. The review demonstrates that the existing location models focus on efficient data structures for retrieving location information rather than on the modelling of location itself. Through interviewing four architects, this thesis develop an understanding of the structures and properties of place that influence what they believe is the way human beings perceive their presence in place. On the basis of this understanding, the thesis develops an initial proposal for an ontology of place. The ontology is suggested to posses the ability to inform development of location models for location-based applications. As a proof of concept the ontology is used as a source of knowledge in a conceptual design of three different location-based applications.
Why do I blog this? Judging from the abstract, it seems to be a pertinent piece of research about location-based services. Unfortunately it's in danish, but anyway... the author is there, blog in english and may publish in english about it ;) I like this idea of interviewing 'place' specialists (like architects) to derive a model of place.