Debate about cheating and computer uses in classroom

An interesting debate about cheating in ACM's Ubiquity. Donald Norman reply to Evan Golub. Golub's point was to question the open-book/open-notes exam that may trigger cheating situations. Norman's take is about defending cheating:

I was disturbed by Golub's article because the emphasis was on cheating by students and possible counteractive measures. Never did he ask the more fundamental questions: What is the purpose of an examination; Why do students cheat? Instead, he proposed that faculty become police enforcers, trying to weed out dishonest behavior. I would prefer to turn faculty into educators and mentors, guiding students to use all the resources at their disposal to solve important problems. (...) But in real life, asking others for help is not only permitted, it is encouraged. Why not rethink the entire purpose of our examination system? We should be encouraging students to learn how to use all possible resources to come up with effective answers to important problems.

Then he adresses "the origins of cheating, and by solving the root cause, to simultaneously reduce or eliminate cheating while enhancing learning.":

Consider this: in many ways, the behavior we call cheating in schools is exactly the behavior we desire in the real world. Think about it. What behavior do we call cheating in the school system? Asking others for help, copying answers, copying papers. Most of these activities are better called networking or cooperative work. (...) How much better to reward procedures for coming up with answers. Emphasize understanding of the issues and knowledge of how to gain insight and resolution. Emphasize cooperation.